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The people of Bhutan believe the phallus is a portent of good luck, acts as a protector from harm and aids fertility. Well known for "Gross National Happiness", the Bhutanese are incredibly gracious and happy.  Could they know something that we don't? Marc Domsky's book, Phallus Through Bhutan Journey of the Magic Thunderbolt, is a collection of 65 rare color photographs of phalluses from his two adventures through Bhutan. 

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Phallus Through Bhutan

Photographer Marc Domsky's book Phallus Through Bhutan documents the phallus paintings, sculptures and artwork he has encountered throughout Bhutan. Phalluses are protective and fertility symbols to the Bhutanese dating back to the time of the llama Drukpa Kunely.

Journey of the Magic Thunderbolt

 A journey can be many things.  My journeys introduced me to Drukpa Kunley the irreverent patron saint of Bhutan.  He understood that the easiest path to enlightenment was through surprise and humor.  Through the constant use of …


A journey can be many things.  My journeys introduced me to Drukpa Kunley the irreverent patron saint of Bhutan.  He understood that the easiest path to enlightenment was through surprise and humor.  Through the constant use of his "magic thunderbolt," Kunley would shock people away from life's distractions.  Many Bhutanese attribute the importance of the phallus to the "madcap lama" and his exploits through the western half of the Himalayan kingdom during the 15th and 16th centuries.  The demons and ogres of the day didn't stand a chance against the magic thunderbolt of the Divine Madman; nor did his female disciples!   To this day, devotees of Kunley adorn their buildings and houses with phallic paintings.  Even children and domestic animals use the phallic tailsmans to enjoy protection from hostile spirits.  This artistic tradition is ubiquitous throughout Bhutan, land of Gross National Happiness.   It's about time Western culture is exposed to this art so that at least momentarily one's attachments are forgotten and the mind is set free!! 

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Phallus Through Bhutan

Journey of the Magic Thunderbolt documents the artistic traditions of the Bhutanese who believe the phallus represents protection and subjugation while also acting as a way to promote fertility.  Unfortunately, the values of Western culture seemingly limit our ability to appreciate the beauty of this artistic tradition.  The 65 color photos in this book should evoke spontaneous emotional responses which will release you from your least temporarily!!

you can also purchase the book at valley bookstore in jackson, WY