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The people of Bhutan believe the phallus is a portent of good luck, acts as a protector from harm and aids fertility. Well known for "Gross National Happiness", the Bhutanese are incredibly gracious and happy.  Could they know something that we don't? Marc Domsky's book, Phallus Through Bhutan Journey of the Magic Thunderbolt, is a collection of 65 rare color photographs of phalluses from his two adventures through Bhutan. 


Gallery of art, sculpture, and cultural images from the book Phallus Through Bhutan by Marc Domsky.

Bhutan is a wonderfully tranquil country.  However one cannot really understand Bhutan without understanding Drukpa Kunley.  

Russ and Blyth Carpenter write in, Drukpa Kunley: Madcap Lama of the Himalayas, that "he encourages courage, independence, compassion, lack of pretension, and an irrepressible sense of humor. He reminds us that we don't need to tolerate puffery, that it is honorable to carve our own trail, that prudery is usually just a control mechanism in disguise, and that smiles and laughter are the jewels of the human experience."  Eric Weiner says it all in his book, The Geography of Bliss: One Grumps Search for the Happpiest Places in the World.  "If my guide bought me a giant wooden phallus as a souvenir I would be concerned.  In Bhutan, I am touched."  In fact of all the places he visited (10 countries), and of all the people he met (hundreds), one person kept coming back to his thoughts again and again.  A Bhutanese scholar whom he quotes on the last page of his book.  I hope you are "touched" by my photographs, as I was again and again throughout my journeys in Bhutan.